Get spring into full swing with a Portobello ice cream machine

Freshen up your lickable line-up
Spring is here and ice cream demand is growing exponentially. Are you harbouring plans to add ice cream to your menu or improve your current dessert selection? Is a soft serve ice cream machine on your radar? Think again.
Machine noise, vibrations, power consumption, and the aeons it takes to clean these behemoths of the Mr Whippy era aside; in an age of such vast consumer choice, the prospect of a pale soft-serve in a chewy orange cone is a bit, well… old hat, right?

So as we all start to come out of winter hibernation, why not treat yourself – and your customers – to the squeezable delights that come with the world’s smallest and tastiest ice cream parlour?
Say hello to the fwip Portobello.
Looking good for spring
Okay, you can stop staring now. We know it’s a beautiful thing. And its diminutive dimensions mean it’s easy to find a space on a counter top.

Or if space allows, you can accessorise it with a specially-designed compact or premium unit for self-serving joy. There’s only one thing you’ll need to complete the set-up – a standard 13 amp plug socket (no plumbing or pipes required). C’est tout.
But it’s not all about the Portobello’s curved and classically-styled good looks. For an ice cream machine weighing 14 kg and measuring just over 70 cm in height, the fwip Portobello packs a flavoursome punch – and can dish out around 200 tasty servings per hour.
Put a spring in your customers’ step
With the temperature rising, food consumption on-the-go is starting to pick up as well. So you probably don’t need research from the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) to tell you that most ice-cream is sold between March and July. When a fwip Portobello is parked in your space – be that retail, catering, leisure or entertainment – you’re putting palette-tingling temptation right in front of hungry customers looking for a little scoop of springtime happiness.

Not only that, the Portobello is a friend to everyone. You see, it doesn’t just serve award-winning Italian Gelato. It also dispenses award-winning vegan Sorbet, and award-winning Frozen Yogurt. Happy days!
Servings of joy
With six lip-smacking flavours and a combined 25 Great Taste stars (and counting), the fwip Portobello offers a great choice of premium dessert options. Whether your customers prefer the scent of fragrant vanilla beans in our Vanilla Italian Gelato, an early slice of summer with a juicy Strawberry Vegan Sorbet, or the dewy morning freshness of Natural Frozen Yoghurt – every serving is packed with the joys of spring.
Spring-cleaning made simple
Now, you might be thinking that all that flavour means a whole lot of clean up – especially if you’ve ever owned a soft-serve machine. Well, we timed it, and cleaning takes between 5 and 10 minutes. And it’s so simple, anyone can do it. That was fwippin’ easy!
A bargain compared to a soft serve ice cream machine
Depending on your configuration, a fwip Portobello works out at between two and ten times less expensive than a traditional soft serve ice cream machine.

Factor in the additional costs of servicing, cleaning, waste management and spare parts needed to keep a soft serve machine going – and it all starts to scoop away at your profit margin. Not so with fwip!
Thanks to our technology, we can diagnose and fix 85% of faults remotely in minutes (not days).
And should you need to send it back, it’s designed to fit under the arm of a courier for speedy collection and delivery (ever tried lifting a soft-serve machine?).
The Portobello was also designed with sustainability in mind and it uses 95% less power than a traditional soft serve ice cream machine. So you can save on energy costs, and help the planet at the same time.
Ready to meet the Portobello in person?
Please check out our ice cream equipment pages or just get in touch.
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